Kiselev Y., Krizhanovsky A., Braslavski P., Menshikov I., Mukhin M., Krizhanovskaya N.
Russian Lexicographic Landscape: a Tale of 12 Dictionaries
Киселёв Ю.А., Крижановский А.А., Браславский П.И., Меньшиков И.Л., Мухин М.Ю., Крижановская Н.Б. Русский лексикографический ландшафт: история о 12 словарях // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции «Диалог» (Москва, 27–30 мая 2015 г.). Вып. 14 (21): Т. 1. Москва: РГГУ, 2015. C. 254-271
Ключевые слова: лексический ресурс, словарь, тезаурус, ворднет, русский язык
The paper reports on quantitative analysis of 12 Russian dictionaries at three levels: 1) headwords: the size and overlap of word lists, coverage of large corpora, and presence of neologisms; 2) synonyms: overlap of synsets in different dictionaries; 3) definitions: distribution of definition lengths and numbers of senses, as well as textual similarity of same-headword definitions in different dictionaries. The total amount of data in the study is 805,900 dictionary entries, 892,900 definitions, and 84,500 synsets. The study reveals multiple connections and mutual influences between dictionaries, uncovers differences in modern electronic vs. traditional printed resources, as well as suggests directions for development of new and improvement of existing lexical semantic resources.
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Последние изменения: 24 августа 2021