
Заика Ю.В. Список основных научных работ

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Публикации в 2012-2017 годах (всего 35)


  1. Hydrogen-solid boundary-value problems with dynamical conditions on surface
    Zaika Yu.V., Rodchenkova N.I. Mathematical Modelling. Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2013. Pp. 269-302 (Scopus, РИНЦ, Google Scholar)
  2. Hydrogen-solid boundary-value problems with free phase transition interface
    Zaika Yu.V., Rodchenkova N.I. Mathematical Modelling. Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2013. Pp. 303-349 (Scopus, РИНЦ, Google Scholar)
  3. Hydrogen-solid boundary-value problems with free phase transition interface
    Yu.V. Zaika, N.I. Rodchenkova. Advances in Mathematics Research. Vol. 15. Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2012. Pp. 129-180

Заика Ю.В.