
Scientific publications

П.Д. Демчук, А.В. Королев, Г.А. Угольницкий.
Динамические модели конкуренции-кооперации в олигополии Курно с учётом воздействия на окружающую среду
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 16, в. 3. 2024. C. 27-57
Polina D. Demchuk, Alexey V. Korolev, Gennady A. Ugolnitsky. Dynamic models of competition and cooperation in Cournot oligopoly taking into account the environmental impact // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 16. No 3. 2024. Pp. 27-57
Keywords: comparative efficiency analysis, competition-cooperation, dynamic stability, differential games, Cournot oligopoly % ключевые слова на английском языке
The basic model of the Cournot oligopoly taking into account competition-cooperation and environmental pollution as a differential game in a normal form is described. The numerical analysis for independent and cooperative behavior is carried out for an example used in the future. Games in the form of the characteristic function of von Neumann-Morgenstern, Petrosyan-Zaccour and Gromova-Petrosyan are constructed, and the Shapley values are calculated. Hierarchical games with information regulations for direct and reverse Stackelberg games are analyzed, payoffs' comparative analysis for all methods of organization is provided. All the results are presented for the dynamic game with three players.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: October 8, 2024