
Scientific publications

Павлов Ю.Л.
О теореме С. Г. Ткачука для схемы серий
Pavlov Yu.L. On Tkachuk’s theorem for a series scheme // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2024. Pp. 33-38
Keywords: sum of random variables; large deviations; series scheme; slowly varying function; limit theorem
We consider the sum ζN = ξ1 + ... + ξN of independent identically distributed integer-valued random variables. The problem of estimating the probability P{ζN = n} as N →∞ in the case of large deviations was solved in Tkachuk’s theorem. We prove a similar theorem for the series scheme where the summand distribution depends on an unknown slowly varying function and has finite expectation and infinite variance.
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Last modified: July 16, 2024