Ivashko A., Safonov G.
Optimal strategy modelling in an online auction for the rent of computing resources
// CEUR Workshop Proceedings,Volume 2792, 2020, 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology, SMARTY 2020; Petrozavodsk; Russian Federation; 16 August 2020. 2020. Pp. 66-75
Ключевые слова: Amazon EC2, Best-choice Problem, Cloud Computing, Mathematical Modeling, Spot Instance, Threshold Strategies
We consider the problem of optimal bid pricing in an auction for cloud computing resource allocation. The multistage model connected with the full-information best-choice problem is investigated. In this model, users set bids as a sequence of thresholds at each step to minimize the expected resource rent price. A form of the spot price distribution function is proposed based on real-life Amazon EC2 spot price dynamics. The optimal bid values, mean instance rent price and average step for buying the resource were found through simulations. Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors.
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Последние изменения: 9 марта 2021