Gusev V.V., Mazalov V.V.
Potential functions for finding stable coalition structures
// Operations Research Letters 47. 2019. P. 478–482
Ключевые слова: Cooperative game with coalition structure, Nash stability, Aumann–Dreze value, Potential functions, Multicriteria games, c-stability
The existence of a Nash-stable coalition structure in cooperative games with the Aumann–Dreze value is investigated. Using the framework of potential functions, it is proved that such a coalition structure exists in any cooperative game. In addition, a similar result is established for some linear values of the game, in particular, the Banzhaf value. For a cooperative game with vector payments, a type of stability based on maximizing the guaranteed payoffs of all players is proposed.
Индексируется в Web of Science, Scopus
Последние изменения: 14 сентября 2020