IAMR Structure

Laboratory for Information Computer Technologies

Head: Cand. (PhD) of Techn. Krizhanovsky, Andrew A.
During 1987-2010 the research was carried out in the field of building intellectualized computer systems and expert systems. Research and study in the area of statistical expert system creation were carried out jointly with the laboratory for probability theory and computer statistics.

Before 1986 the laboratory paid principal attention to the problems of system software maintenance for different computer generations.

Major research trends

  • Creation, development and maintenance of information resources for conducting fundamental scientific research. Study of new information technologies and their use for solving the problems of scientific research automation in Karelian Research Centre of RAS.
  • Development of mathematical models and algorithms for optimal control of dynamic data structures.
  • Development of mathematical models and algorithms for solving problems of computational linguistics and text processing.
  • Network resource sharing games.
  • Development and maintenance of software for information and telecommunication systems of Karelian Research Centre of RAS.
  • Theory of dynamical systems with structural variations.
  • Methods of ecological and economical systems dynamics mathematical modeling.
  • Geometric theory of dynamical systems.
  • Main activity results

    The researchers of the Laboratory for Information Computer Technologies made some contribution to the following science fields:
  • Optimal routing networking games.
  • Corpus linguistics.
  • Theory of stability of hybrid systems structures is constructed; on the base of proposed notion of evolutionary time the method of dynamical decomposition for structural trajectories analysis is developed [2].
  • Set of mathematical models of economical dynamics in the period of structural variations is developed; theory of systems evolutionary dynamics is proposed.
  • The last geometric Poincare theorem is generalized: the existence of fixed points for a mapping of non-invariant topological annulus is proved. The continuous and differentiable mappings, without measure preserving property, satisfying the generalized twist condition are considered. For measure preserving homeomorphisms satisfying the twist condition, the existence of at least two fixed points in case of non-invariant annulus with no star –shaped inner boundary component is proved [3, 4].

  • Optimal routing networking games
    We find the lower bound for Price of Anarchy (PoA) for the general case of N machines in the maximizing the minimum machine delay game with uniformly related machines. For the case of 3 machines we find its exact value. We prove that the PoA does not change or increases when an additional third machine is included into the system with two machines. Also we propose a method of computation the PoA value and illustrate it for 3 machines [1].

    The Price of Anarchy for the system S of four machines with small speeds

    Corpus linguistics and natural language processing

    The Veps language corpus was created in 2009 under the leadership of Nina Zaitseva. Three Karelian subcorpora (Karelian proper, Livvi and Ludian) were included in the linguistic corpus in 2016. The united linguistic platform was named “The Open Corpus of the Veps and Karelian languages” (VepKar).

    This linguistic corpus VepKar includes texts and dictionaries stored in a database, and a computer program (corpus manager) for searching and processing the data. Corpus and dictionaries data are available online (dictorpus.krc.karelia.ru). There is information about the corpus on YouTube (Playlist VepKar) and Wikipedia (Category:VepKar).

    Dictionaries and corpus texts are strongly interrelated. Multifunctional dictionaries of the Veps and Karelian languages contain definition, translation, dialect labels, semantic relations (synonyms, antonyms, etc.), examples of word usage with reference to texts, as well as complete inflectional paradigms. All texts are automatically marked up and there are references from words in the text to the corresponding meanings in the dictionary entries [5].

    We formulated and programmed the rules for generating word forms for a given part of speech, gramset and a set of word stems. Part of speech tagging algorithms for unknown words based on morphological dictionary were developed. This dictionary contains 3000 Karelian Proper lemmas, with 2500 lemmas having 128 000 word forms. The lemma, part of speech and a set of grammatical features (gramset) are known for each word form in this dictionary [6].

    1. Yu. V. Chirkova. Price of Anarchy for Maximizing the Minimum Machine Load // Advances in Systems Science and Applications, v. 17, n. 4. 2017. Pp. 61-77.
    2. Kirillov A.N. On the stabilization of the linear hybrid system structure // Issues of analysis. 2014. Vol.3. ¹ 2. P. 52-58.
    3. Kirillov A., Starkov V. Some extensions of the Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem // Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. Vol. 13. ¹ 2. 2013. P. 611–625
    4. Alexander Kirillov and Victor Starkov. Fixed points of infinitely connected domain continuous mappings // Fixed Point Theory. V. 16. No. 1. 2015. P. 103–106.
    5. Tatyana Boyko, Nina Zaitseva, Natalia Krizhanovskaya, Andrew Krizhanovsky, Irina Novak, Nataliya Pellinen, and Aleksandra Rodionova. The Open corpus of the Veps and Karelian languages: overview and applications // KnE Life Sciences. 2022 (in press).
    6. Krizhanovsky A., Krizhanovskaya N., Novak I. Part of speech and gramset tagging algorithms for unknown words based on morphological dictionaries of the Veps and Karelian languages // Management in Data Intensive Domains. DAMDID/RCDL 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1427. Springer, Cham, 2021. Pp. 163-177. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-81200-3_12


    Researcher, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math.
    Senior Programming Engineer, Leading Programming Engineer in the Information and Technical Support Department, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute, Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production
    Leading Researcher, Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math.
    Junior Researcher
    Leading Researcher, Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Assistant Professor
    Senior Research Engineer
    Leading Research Engineer
    Junior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math.
    Leading Researcher, Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Professor

    Contact information

    Official title: Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Address: IAMR KarRC RAS
    11, Pushkinskaya str.
    185910, Russia
    Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 76-63-12
    Fax: +7 (8142) 76-33-70