
Scientific publications

А.В. Колчин, Б.Ф. Безродный.
О некоторых аспектах развития обобщенной схемы размещения
A.V. Kolchin, B.F. Bezrodnyi. On some aspects of development of the generalised allocation scheme // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 7. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2019. Pp. 21-29
Keywords: probabilistic method; generalised allocation scheme; limit theorems of probability theory
In this paper we make an attempt to portray the current situation in the probabilistic combinatorics field where so-called generalised allocation scheme has been utilised. We offer a series of limit theorems for sums of independent identically distributed non-negative integer-valued random variables which are applicable when using generalised allocation schemes. We look at the phenomenon of the transition of the distribution of sums of independent identically distributed integer-valued random variables from one lattice to another in the context of the generalised allocation scheme, and give several examples on how to reduce a combinatorial problem to some kind of a generalised scheme of allocating particles to cells.
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Last modified: July 1, 2019