
Scientific publications

А.В. Орлов.
Треугольники конфликтов и гексаматричные игры
Orlov, A. Triangles of conflicts and hexamatrix games Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 16. No 4, 2024. Pp. 69-95
Keywords: finite noncooperative games, polymatrix games, hexamatrix game, Nash equilibrium, nonconvex optimization problems, local and global search algorithms, computational experiment
The paper addresses one class of finite non-cooperative games (with finite numbers of strategies for each player) – Polymatrix Games of E.B. Yanovskaya. Namely, we study in detail the 3-players Polymatrix Games, the so-called Hexamatrix Games (HMG), which can be completely described by six matrices. A number of model examples of 3-sides real-life conflicts are presented and formulated as HMG. The possibility of using hexamatrix games to model economic relationships between three participants is demonstrated. To find a Nash Equilibrium in the formulated games, we use an optimization approach, when the problem is transformed into a nonconvex optimization problem with a bilinear structure. The latter is solved by the A.S. Strekalovsky’s Global Search Theory (GST) for (d.c.) optimization problems with objective functions represented as the difference of two convex functions.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: December 20, 2024