Scientific publications
М.М. Луценко.
Частичные суммы антагонистических игр и их приложения
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 16, в. 4. 2024. C. 21-44
Lutsenko, M. Partial sums of antagonistic games and their applications Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 16. No 4, 2024. Pp. 21-44
Keywords: zero-sum game, matrix game, non-cooperative game, large payoff matrices, partial sum games
An abstract algebraic approach to the formation of high-dimensional matrix games is proposed. The considered class of games includes, in particular, statistical games. A general method for constructing randomized decision rules for the problem of estimating the parameter of a discrete random variable is discussed. For economically significant tasks, the cost of additional observation is calculated.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
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Last modified: December 20, 2024