
Scientific publications

Белашев Б.З.
Опыт автоматической регистрации биоэлектрической активности сосны
Belashev B.Z. Experience of automatically recording pine bioelectrical activity // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2024. Pp. 5-14
Keywords: electric potential difference; pine; transpiration; temperature; pressure; humidity; precipitation; thunderstorm; magnetic storms; solar eclipse
The subject of the study is the time series of the difference in electrical potentials along the trunk of a pine tree and the aligned time series of meteorological and geomagnetic parameters measured by hardware and software complexes of the Petrozavodsk geophysical observatory and the Petrozavodsk State University Botanical Garden in 2017 – 2022, as well as the time series of the global geomagnetic activity Kp index database. It is demonstrated that there exist characteristic patterns in the electric potential difference in pine trees depending on season, temperature, precipitation, humidity, underpinned by physical environmental factors and physiological processes in the tree. The response of the electric potential difference of pine trees to atmospheric processes, thunderstorms, and space weather phenomena (magnetic storms and solar eclipse) are studied. The results of these observations are qualitatively interpreted using features of the Earth’s electric field.
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Last modified: July 16, 2024