
Scientific publications

Н.Ю. Энатская.
Комбинаторный анализ схемы перестановокопределенного вида серий
N.Yu. Enatskaya. Combinatorial analysis of a permutation scheme for a certain type of series // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2021. P. 85–90
Keywords: permutation scheme; combination scheme; series of increasing serial numbers of elements
The article deals with a permutation scheme of size n with r successive series of increasing elements. I solve the problems of finding the number of outcomes of the scheme, and design the procedure for their enumeration using r successive schemes of combinations of an array of different compositions of series of increasing serial numbers of permutation elements. The numbering problem for outcomes of the scheme is solved, and their simulation is discussed.
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Last modified: July 9, 2021