
Scientific publications

Н.Ю. Энатская.
Вероятностный анализ схем размещения частиц по ячейкам с фиксированным значением их минимального заполнения
N.Yu. Enatskaya. Probability analysis of the schemes of particle allocation to cells with a fixed minimum filling value // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2021. P. 77–84
Keywords: particle allocation variants; number of empty cells; probability distribution of the minimal numbers of elements per cells
Schemes of equiprobable allocation of r particles to n cells are studied for the probability distributions of minimum cell fill levels, numbers of cells with a fixed minimum fill level, and the number of empty cells. The schemes have different paired qualities of cells and particles in terms of their distinguishability.
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Last modified: July 9, 2021