Scientific publications
Rogozin, S.S., Ivashko, E.E.
The Optimization of a Residential Wood Log Stove Using the BOINC System
// Proceedings - 2018 Ivannikov Isp Ras Open Conference, ISPRAS. 2019. Pp. 103-108
A residential wood log stove design is one of the areas of industry where the numerical simulation of the combustion process can be used to reduce the cost of the design. However, experiments are not much more expensive, than simulation in this area. Furthermore, the initial step of simulation consists of developing or buying software and hardware products and setting up the model parameters that is very expensive therefore the simulation is seldom used in this area. To solve this problem it is necessary to develop the numerical solver with the open-source software product. In the present study we use the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method for simulation the physical phenomena of the stove. The open-source software products OpenFOAM and BOINC were used for calculations. The optimization of the stove parameters such as efficiency and excess air factor was conducted. The results of the simulation are in good agreement with the experimental data. Thus, the results of this study can be used in the residential wood log stove design to reduce the cost. In the future work it is planned to add the pyrolysis model and more accurate simplified mechanism for model the wood combustion in order to increase accuracy of the simulation. Also we plan to consider complex geometry of the chimney and to preparation the BOINC-environment to automatic computing optimal parameters for a user-defined stove model.
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Last modified: June 4, 2021