
Scientific publications

Nekrasova R.
On Verification of Stability of Multi-orbit System with General Retrials: Simulation Approach
// Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science. V. 1141. Springer, Cham, 2019.
Keywords: Retrial system, Classical retrial policy, Stability, General retrials
We explore multi-orbit retrial system with classical retrial policy. Arrivals enter the system according to renewal input. A random customer belongs to class j with a given probability pj,j=1,⋯,K. If new arrival, meets the server busy, it joins to corresponding infinite capacity orbit and then retries to attack server after a random time interval distributed as ξ(j). The main feature of considered system is general distribution of retrial times. Our goal in this paper is to verify the stability by exploring the behavior of orbit dynamics for different distributions of ξ(j) under the sufficient stability condition, obtained for the systems with exponential and NBU retrials.
Indexed at Scopus, RSCI
Last modified: June 4, 2021