
Scientific publications

Mazalov V.V., Parilina E.M.
The Euler-Equation Approach in Average-Oriented Opinion Dynamics
// Mathematics 8(3), 355. 2020. Pp. 1-16
Keywords: opinion dynamics; consensus; linear-quadratic games; Euler-equation approach
We consider the models of average-oriented opinion dynamics. An opinion about an event is distributed among the agents of a social network. There are an optimization problem and two game-theoretical models when players as centers of influence aim to make the opinions of the agents closer to the target ones in a finite time horizon minimizing their costs. The optimization problem and the games of competition for the agents’ opinion are linear-quadratic and solved using the Euler-equation approach. The optimal strategies for optimization problem and the Nash equilibria in the open-loop strategies for the games are found. Numerical simulations demonstrate theoretical results.
Indexed at Web of Science, Scopus
Last modified: September 14, 2020