Scientific publications
Зайцева Н.Г., Крижановская Н.Б.
Корпусная лингвистика в прибалтийско-финском исследовательском пространстве (на материале Корпуса вепсского языка и Открытого корпуса вепсского и карельского языков)
// Альманах североевропейских и балтийских исследований. Выпуск 3. 2018. C. 264-273
Zaitseva Nina, Krizhanovskaia Natalia. Corpus linguistics in the Baltic-Finnic research area (the Corpus of the Veps language and the Open Corpus of the Veps and Karelian languages) // Nordic and Baltic Studies Review. Issue 3. 2018. Pp. 264-273
Keywords: Corpus linguistics, Veps language, Karelian language, dialects, young written languages
The basics of preparing electronic language corpora and some related problems are described. The presented project is focused on a language of a small people (Veps) and another one of a larger kindred people (Karelian). Both are young written languages that require significant textual resources to create written literature, and the presented corpora can contribute to promoting it.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: March 7, 2019