
Scientific publications

Крижановский А.А.
Оценка использования корпусов и электронных библиотек в Русском Викисловаре
// Корпусная лингвистика–2011: материалы международной конференции. СПб.: С.-Петербургский гос. университет, 2011. C. 217-222
Krizhanovsky A.A. Evaluation of the corpora and digital libraries used in Russian Wiktionary // International scientific conference "Corpus linguistics". Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, 2011. Pp. 217-222
Keywords: Wiktionary, Lexicography, machine-readable dictionary, corpus linguistics
An electronic corpus is an essential tool for a lexicographer for creating dictionary. An amount of using of corpora and digital libraries in illustrating definitions in Wiktionary is estimated in this paper. The Wiktionary is a multilingual and multifunctional dictionary and thesaurus. Quantitative evaluation of quotations in the Russian Wiktionary was performed with the use of the developed Wiktionary parser. 51.5 thousands of quotations (at that 42 000 or 82% of quotations illustrate Russian entries) were extracted and stored to the database of the machine-readable dictionary. It was found that 17 000 or 33% of quotations refer to a corpus or a digital library as a source of the quotation. The main source is the Russian National Corpus, which is referred by 16 158 quotations (or 95% of quotations with references to sources) in the Russian Wiktionary.
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Last modified: May 24, 2019