Scientific publications
Смирнов А.В., Круглов В.М., Крижановский А.А., Луговая Н.Б., Карпов А.А., Кипяткова И.С.
Количественный анализ лексики русского WordNet и викисловарей
// Труды СПИИРАН. Вып. 23. 2012. C. 231–253
Keywords: computational linguistics, lexicography, lexical analysis, Russian language
A quantitative analysis of the Russian lexicon was performed in the paper. The thesaurus Russian WordNet and two electronic dictionaries are under examination: the Russian Wiktionary and the English Wiktionary. It was calculated the quantity of Russian words and meanings (senses). The distribution of words for each part of speech, the quantity of monosemous and polysemous words and the distribution of words by number of meanings were calculated and compared across these dictionaries. The analysis of the distribution of words by number of meanings revealed a problem that too few or no polysemy Russian words with number of meanings more than 4 are presented in the English Wiktionary (in comparison with the Russian Wiktionary). The analysis shows that the average polysemy, the number and the distribution of word senses follow similar patterns in both expert and collaborative resources with relatively minor differences.
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Last modified: August 24, 2021