Krizhanovsky Andrew A.
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- Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Information Computer Technologies Institute of Applied Mathematical Research KarRC RAS
- Head of the Laboratory for Information Computer Technologies Institute of Applied Mathematical Research KarRC RAS
- Lecturer of Dept. of theory of probabilities and analysis of data at Petrozavodsk State University
Academic degree: Cand. (PhD) of Technics (2008)
E-mail: andrew.krizhanovsky, at,
Fax: +7 (8142) 76-33-70
Address: IAMR KarRC RAS
11, Pushkinskaya str.
185910, Russia
Education: Nov 2008: PhD in Computer Science at Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation RAS.
Thesis: "Automatic forming lists of semantically related terms based on wiki-texts".
2002-2005: Doctoral student, St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Computer-Aided Integrated Systems Laboratory, Russia
1997-2002 graduated (magna cum laude) from St.Petersburg State Technical University / Department of Applied Mathematics
Master in Applied Mathematics & Informatics / Master Thesis (July 2002):
"Development & comparing optimal search strategies in renju"
Bachelor Thesis (July 2000): "Minimum geometric disk cover: NPC and heuristics"
Major research trends: Computational linguistics
Keywords: Semantic relatedness, Corpus linguistics, Thesauri and machine-readable dictionaries, Lexicography
Experience of pedagogical activity: The tutorial Methodology and guidelines of writing articles in Wikipedia by students with the help of the teacher (Russian Wikipedia case study) (in Russian) about using Wikipedia as an educational platform was awarded as the best work at competition Questions of copyright: Public Domain case.
Languages: Java, Perl, MySQL, SQLite.
Languages: Java, MySQL
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