Morozov Evsey V.
Sign inPosition(s):
- Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Mathematical Cybernetics Institute of Applied Mathematical Research KarRC RAS
- Professor of Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Petrozavodsk State University
Academic degree: Doctor (DSc) of Physics and Mathematics
Academic status: Professor
Fax: +7 (8142) 76-33-70
Address: IAMR KarRC RAS
11, Pushkinskaya str.
185910, Russia
Page address:
Fax: +7 (8142) 76-33-70
Address: IAMR KarRC RAS
11, Pushkinskaya str.
185910, Russia
Page address:
Field of interest
Queueing networks, stability analysis, regenerative and renewal processes, regenerative simulation of communication networks, rare event simulation, network decomposition, conservation laws, long-range dependence and self-similarity; retrial queues; queues with dependencies; monotonicity of queues.
Professional experience
1. Scientific collaborator, laboratory chief in Mathematical Methods in Economics Research Institute, Minsk, Byelorussia: 1971-1985.
2. Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor (1985-1996), Professor of the Department of Applied Mathemathics and Cybernetics, Petrozavodsk University (since 1996) and Chief Researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2000).
Lecture Courses
Probability Theory; Stochastic Processes; Introduction to Mathematical Statistics; Queueing Theory; Stochastic Modeling; Renewal Theory; Stochastic Models of Operations Research; Regenerative Simulation; Mathematical Modeling of Communications Systems.
1. Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics, 1979;
2. Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, 1996;
3. Professor of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics:, 1998
Current positions
1. Chief Researcher, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research,
Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk;
phone: (+7 8142) 781 108 address: Pushkinskaya str. 11, Petrozavodsk 185610, Russia.
2. Professor of Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Petrozavodsk State University, work address: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Petrozavodsk University, Lenin str.33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia
Invitation visit and joint research at CRM (Barcelona);
Invitation visit University of Pisa, with talk «Verification of stability region of a retrial queueing system»;
Invitation visit and joint research at University of Warwick, UK;
Intensive course at University of Oulu (Nov 2011);
Invitation visit University of Pisa with talks «Tail asymptotics for stationary workload/queue» and «Stability of optical buffers»;
Invitation visit for joint research with group S.M.A.C.S., University of Ghent, Belgium;
Invitation visit for joint research with group MAESTRO (INRIA, Sophia –Antipolis, France);
Intensive course at University of Oulu (November);
INRIA , UAB, Oulu University (intensive course)
UAB, Ghent University
INRIA, UAB, Institute of Theoretical Informatics PAN, Oulu University (intensive course)
INRIA, Ghent University, Silesian Polytechnic University (intensive course)
Visits supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Swedish Institute:
Aalborg University, Denmark, 1993 and 1995 (Prof. Soren Asmussen);
Chalmers University, Sweden, 1995 and 1997 (Prof. Peter Jagers);
Lund University, Sweden, 1997 (Prof. Soren Asmussen);
Uppsala University, Sweden, 1997 (Prof. Allan Gut);
Umea University, Sweden, 1998 (Prof. Yury Belyaev);
Other invitation visits
Oxford University, UK, 1997 (Prof. Peter Donnelly);
Helsinki University and VTT, Finland, 2000 (Professors Esa Nummelin, Ilkka Norros);
EURANDOM, The Netherlands, 2000 (Prof. Onno Boxma);
The Graduate School of University of Helsinki: intensive course on stochastic modeling of communication networks, 2002 (Prof. Matti Vuorinen);
Visiting Professor at the University of Aizu, Japan (January - March, 2003);
Visiting Professor at University de Marne-la-Vallee, France (May, 2004);
University of Lille, France; research talk (May 2004);
Public University of Navarre, Spain; intensive course (June 2004);
University of Zaragoza, Spain; research talks (June 2004);
Participation in Research program on Queueing Theory and Teletraffic Theory,
Institute Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1- October 8, 2004;
Univeristy of Kuopio, Finland, intensive lecture course (February 2005);
University of Zaragoza, Spain; intensive lecture course (May 2005);
University of Pamplona, Spain; research talk (May 2005);
University (Complutense) of Madrid; research talk (May 2005);
Polytechnical University of Madrid; research talk (May 2005);
University (Autonoma) of Barcelona; research talk (May 2005);
University of Pisa, Italy, exchange visit; two research talks (September 2005);
INRIA, Antibes, France, research talk (Sept. 2005);
Visiting Professor, Lille Polytech, France, March-April, 2006;
Helsinki University of Technology , Finland; research talk (May, 2006);
University of Pisa, Italy, intensive course; research talk (October, 2006)
INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France; research talk (November, 2006);
University of Kuopio, Finland, intensive lecture course (February 2007);
Ghent University, Belgium; research visit (May –June 2007);
University of Cologne, research talk (May 2007);
Eindhoven Technical University, research talk (May 2007)
Autonoma University de Barcelona and CRM – invited Professor (Sept-Oct, 2007)
University of Malaga -research talk (Oct 2007).
VTT, Helsinki research talk (May 2008)
Tel-Aviv University and Haifa University (May 2008)
University of Pisa, (September, 2008)
Ghent University, research talk (October 2008)
University (Complutense) of Madrid; research talk (May 2009);
Autonoma University de Barcelona and CRM – invited Professor (May-June 2009)
Helsinki University of Technology, research talk (May, 2009);
Ghent University, research visit (October–November 2009)
INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France; research visit (November, 2009);
Conference, CN2015, Brunów, Poland (June 16-19, 2015);
Chalmers University Sweden, Departent of Math. Statistics, Invited talk (October 2015)
14th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, two talks; Belgium Ghent (August 27-29, 2019)
Conference organizer
Workshop on Queuieng Theory, Petrozavodsk, 1987;
International Workshop «Coupling and regeneration», Petrozavodsk, 1992;
Conference RAREEVENTS'99 Riga, Latvia, 1999; (a member of the Program Committee);
International Seminar «Applied Stochastic Models and Information Processes», Petrozavodsk, 8-12 Sept. 2002;
5th Saint-Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St.Petersburg University, June 26-July 2, 2005 (a member of the Program Committee);
Russian-Scandinavian Symposium ”Probability Theory and Applied Probability”, Petrozavodsk, August, 2006 (a member of the Program Committee);
International Conference “VALUETOOLS” 2006 -2009 (a member of the Program Committee).
Conference invitation visits (since 1998)
Symposium on stochastic modelling in communication networks, Lund, Sweden, 1998;
2nd Nordic -Russian symposium on stochastic analysis, Norway, 1999;
Modern Problems in Applied Probability, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2000;
4th Saint-Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St.Petersburg University, 2001;
XXII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2002 (chair of a Session);
1st Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, July, 2002;
XXIII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Pamplona, Spain, May 2003 (chair of a Session);
Workshop “A mathematical perspective on queueing and teletraffic modeling», Institute Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, October, 2004;
XXV International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Salerno/Maiori, Italy, September 2005 (chair of a Session);
2nd Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, July 2006 (chair of a Session);
Euro-FGI Workshop on "New Trends in Modelling, Quantative Methods and Measurements" (Ghent, May 2007) ;
The Pyrenees International Workshop on Statistics, Probability and Operations Research, Jaca 2007, Spain , 12-15 Sept 2007.
International Conference “Mathematical methods for analysis and optimization of information telecommunication networks, Minsk, January 2009.
6th St.Petersburg Workshop on simulation, June 2009.
International conference "Probability theory and its applications" in Commemoration of the Centennial of B. V. Gnedenko, Moscow.
Conference on Man-Machine Interactions 2013 Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
1st European Conference on Queueing Theory
A guest editor of the special issue of the Journal “Queueing Systems and Their Applications» (Proceedings of International seminar "Applied Stochastic Models and Information Processes" in the honor of Vladimir Kalashnikov) vol. 46, Nos 3/4, March/April (2004).
INTAS 93-0893;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 01-07-90259, 2001-2003;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 04-07-90115, 2004-2006;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 04-01-00671, 2004-2006;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 07-07-00088, 2007-2009;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: Grant 10-07-00017, 2010-2012;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: projects 15-07-02341, 15-07-02354, 15-07-02360; 2015-2017;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: projects 18-07-00147, 18-07-00156; 2018-2020
Russian Foundation for Basic research project 19-07-00303, 2019-
Main results
an unified approach to stability of Jackson-type and multiclass regenerative networks based on a characterization of renewal process is developed [1987], 1990, 1991, 1997, 1998, 1999]; stability conditions for a multiserver queue with nonidentical servers are established [1985, 1993, 1997]; positive Harris recurrence of a closed network with multiserver stations and nonidentical servers is proved, [1994]; regenerative network decomposition is developed [1994]; the tightness of some secondary network processes with application to stability analysis is established, [1995, 1997]; a general construction of weak regeneration in an open Jackson-type queueing network is given [1995, 1998]; an efficiency of steady-state weakly regenerative simulation of some networks is established [19961,19962, 1998, 2001, 2002, 20031, 20032]; instability conditions of Jackson-type and multiclass open networks are found, [1998, 2002]; two-sided bounds for output perturbations via external input perturbations are deduced for the Jackson-type network with multiserver stations, [1999, 2002]; interrelation between long-range dependence and regenerative simulation are found [2002, 2003]; general two-stage approach to stability analysis of regenerative queueing processes is developed, [2004]; an applicability of regenerative simulation to estimation of a steady-state performance measure of a long-range dependent process is justified, [20041, 20042, 2005]; minimal stability conditions are found for a multisrever queue with a dependence between input, service time and workload process, [2004]; stability conditions of tandem networks with feedback admission control are found [2005, 2005]; stability analysis of multiserver retrial queue [2007]; some new results on monotonicity of queues using coupling [2007, 2008]; new regenerative approach to accelerated rare event simulation [20061, 20062 2007, 2008, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2010]; stability and performance analysis of the general backoff protocols [2009, 2010, 2010]; stability analysis of a new retrial system with constant retrial rate [2010]; new regenerative estimator for effective bandwidth [20081, 20082, 2009].
Queueing networks, stability analysis, regenerative and renewal processes, regenerative simulation of communication networks, rare event simulation, network decomposition, conservation laws, long-range dependence and self-similarity; retrial queues; queues with dependencies; monotonicity of queues.
Professional experience
1. Scientific collaborator, laboratory chief in Mathematical Methods in Economics Research Institute, Minsk, Byelorussia: 1971-1985.
2. Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor (1985-1996), Professor of the Department of Applied Mathemathics and Cybernetics, Petrozavodsk University (since 1996) and Chief Researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2000).
Lecture Courses
Probability Theory; Stochastic Processes; Introduction to Mathematical Statistics; Queueing Theory; Stochastic Modeling; Renewal Theory; Stochastic Models of Operations Research; Regenerative Simulation; Mathematical Modeling of Communications Systems.
1. Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics, 1979;
2. Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, 1996;
3. Professor of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics:, 1998
Current positions
1. Chief Researcher, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research,
Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk;
phone: (+7 8142) 781 108 address: Pushkinskaya str. 11, Petrozavodsk 185610, Russia.
2. Professor of Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Petrozavodsk State University, work address: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Petrozavodsk University, Lenin str.33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia
Invitation visit and joint research at CRM (Barcelona);
Invitation visit University of Pisa, with talk «Verification of stability region of a retrial queueing system»;
Invitation visit and joint research at University of Warwick, UK;
Intensive course at University of Oulu (Nov 2011);
Invitation visit University of Pisa with talks «Tail asymptotics for stationary workload/queue» and «Stability of optical buffers»;
Invitation visit for joint research with group S.M.A.C.S., University of Ghent, Belgium;
Invitation visit for joint research with group MAESTRO (INRIA, Sophia –Antipolis, France);
Intensive course at University of Oulu (November);
INRIA , UAB, Oulu University (intensive course)
UAB, Ghent University
INRIA, UAB, Institute of Theoretical Informatics PAN, Oulu University (intensive course)
INRIA, Ghent University, Silesian Polytechnic University (intensive course)
Visits supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Swedish Institute:
Aalborg University, Denmark, 1993 and 1995 (Prof. Soren Asmussen);
Chalmers University, Sweden, 1995 and 1997 (Prof. Peter Jagers);
Lund University, Sweden, 1997 (Prof. Soren Asmussen);
Uppsala University, Sweden, 1997 (Prof. Allan Gut);
Umea University, Sweden, 1998 (Prof. Yury Belyaev);
Other invitation visits
Oxford University, UK, 1997 (Prof. Peter Donnelly);
Helsinki University and VTT, Finland, 2000 (Professors Esa Nummelin, Ilkka Norros);
EURANDOM, The Netherlands, 2000 (Prof. Onno Boxma);
The Graduate School of University of Helsinki: intensive course on stochastic modeling of communication networks, 2002 (Prof. Matti Vuorinen);
Visiting Professor at the University of Aizu, Japan (January - March, 2003);
Visiting Professor at University de Marne-la-Vallee, France (May, 2004);
University of Lille, France; research talk (May 2004);
Public University of Navarre, Spain; intensive course (June 2004);
University of Zaragoza, Spain; research talks (June 2004);
Participation in Research program on Queueing Theory and Teletraffic Theory,
Institute Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1- October 8, 2004;
Univeristy of Kuopio, Finland, intensive lecture course (February 2005);
University of Zaragoza, Spain; intensive lecture course (May 2005);
University of Pamplona, Spain; research talk (May 2005);
University (Complutense) of Madrid; research talk (May 2005);
Polytechnical University of Madrid; research talk (May 2005);
University (Autonoma) of Barcelona; research talk (May 2005);
University of Pisa, Italy, exchange visit; two research talks (September 2005);
INRIA, Antibes, France, research talk (Sept. 2005);
Visiting Professor, Lille Polytech, France, March-April, 2006;
Helsinki University of Technology , Finland; research talk (May, 2006);
University of Pisa, Italy, intensive course; research talk (October, 2006)
INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France; research talk (November, 2006);
University of Kuopio, Finland, intensive lecture course (February 2007);
Ghent University, Belgium; research visit (May –June 2007);
University of Cologne, research talk (May 2007);
Eindhoven Technical University, research talk (May 2007)
Autonoma University de Barcelona and CRM – invited Professor (Sept-Oct, 2007)
University of Malaga -research talk (Oct 2007).
VTT, Helsinki research talk (May 2008)
Tel-Aviv University and Haifa University (May 2008)
University of Pisa, (September, 2008)
Ghent University, research talk (October 2008)
University (Complutense) of Madrid; research talk (May 2009);
Autonoma University de Barcelona and CRM – invited Professor (May-June 2009)
Helsinki University of Technology, research talk (May, 2009);
Ghent University, research visit (October–November 2009)
INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France; research visit (November, 2009);
Conference, CN2015, Brunów, Poland (June 16-19, 2015);
Chalmers University Sweden, Departent of Math. Statistics, Invited talk (October 2015)
14th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, two talks; Belgium Ghent (August 27-29, 2019)
Conference organizer
Workshop on Queuieng Theory, Petrozavodsk, 1987;
International Workshop «Coupling and regeneration», Petrozavodsk, 1992;
Conference RAREEVENTS'99 Riga, Latvia, 1999; (a member of the Program Committee);
International Seminar «Applied Stochastic Models and Information Processes», Petrozavodsk, 8-12 Sept. 2002;
5th Saint-Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St.Petersburg University, June 26-July 2, 2005 (a member of the Program Committee);
Russian-Scandinavian Symposium ”Probability Theory and Applied Probability”, Petrozavodsk, August, 2006 (a member of the Program Committee);
International Conference “VALUETOOLS” 2006 -2009 (a member of the Program Committee).
Conference invitation visits (since 1998)
Symposium on stochastic modelling in communication networks, Lund, Sweden, 1998;
2nd Nordic -Russian symposium on stochastic analysis, Norway, 1999;
Modern Problems in Applied Probability, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2000;
4th Saint-Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St.Petersburg University, 2001;
XXII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2002 (chair of a Session);
1st Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, July, 2002;
XXIII International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Pamplona, Spain, May 2003 (chair of a Session);
Workshop “A mathematical perspective on queueing and teletraffic modeling», Institute Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, October, 2004;
XXV International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Salerno/Maiori, Italy, September 2005 (chair of a Session);
2nd Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, July 2006 (chair of a Session);
Euro-FGI Workshop on "New Trends in Modelling, Quantative Methods and Measurements" (Ghent, May 2007) ;
The Pyrenees International Workshop on Statistics, Probability and Operations Research, Jaca 2007, Spain , 12-15 Sept 2007.
International Conference “Mathematical methods for analysis and optimization of information telecommunication networks, Minsk, January 2009.
6th St.Petersburg Workshop on simulation, June 2009.
International conference "Probability theory and its applications" in Commemoration of the Centennial of B. V. Gnedenko, Moscow.
Conference on Man-Machine Interactions 2013 Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
1st European Conference on Queueing Theory
A guest editor of the special issue of the Journal “Queueing Systems and Their Applications» (Proceedings of International seminar "Applied Stochastic Models and Information Processes" in the honor of Vladimir Kalashnikov) vol. 46, Nos 3/4, March/April (2004).
INTAS 93-0893;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 01-07-90259, 2001-2003;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 04-07-90115, 2004-2006;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 04-01-00671, 2004-2006;
Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Grant 07-07-00088, 2007-2009;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: Grant 10-07-00017, 2010-2012;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: projects 15-07-02341, 15-07-02354, 15-07-02360; 2015-2017;
Russian Foundation for Basic research: projects 18-07-00147, 18-07-00156; 2018-2020
Russian Foundation for Basic research project 19-07-00303, 2019-
Main results
Last modified: June 16, 2020