Russian Scientific School "Mathematical Methods in Ecology"
Petrozavodsk, 10–16 June, 2001

Foreign experts are welcome to participate in the work of the school

Information announcement in format RTF

A.I. Abakumov, V.A. Baturin, A.A. Vasin, V.I. Gurman, E.V. Ivanter, V.K. Kurets, E.F. Markovskaya, G.G. Matishov, V.P. Pasekov, V.V. Penenko, L.A. Petrosjan, Yu.A. Pih, V.V. Selutin, F.A. Surkov, A.M. Tarko, A.A. Titlanova, A.F. Titov, N.N. Filatov, V.I. Hohlov.


V.V. Mazalov, chairman
N.N. Nemova, co-chairman
Yu.V. Zaika, vice-chairman


Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Institute of Biology
Petrozavodsk State University


  • mathematical modelling of biosphere processes;
  • mathematical methods in the problems of environmental protection;
  • population dynamics;
  • mathematical methods in ethology;
  • game theory models in ecology;
  • modelling of dynamic processes in ecosystems;
  • ecological problems of power engineering;
  • ecological management;
  • statistical methods in ecology
  • Russian and/or English are required as the working languages.

    Plenary reports (30-45 min), which include the review of the recent scientific results, new mathematical models and problems, as well as short (up to 20 min) reports about the recent achievements in accordance with the topic of the school are taken into consideration.


    The abstracts of the reports will be published by the beginning of the school work. We strongly recommend to avoid such indefinite expressions as "A problem is considered..." and/or "Some methods are suggested..." etc. in the abstracts of your scientific reports.

    The most interesting reports will be published as articles in such journals as "The Survey of Applied and Industrial Mathematics" (Moscow, TVP), annual issue "Game Theory and Applications" (New York, Nova Sci. Publ.) and "Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre of RAS".


    The school will be held in the hotel "White Springs" in the beautiful outskirt of Petrozavodsk quite close to the Onega lake. Some excursions will take place during the work of the school, including visiting the Kivach waterfalls and Kizhi island. Some details about the sights of Karelia can be found in Internet:


    It is necessary to send the abstracts of the reports (2-3 pages, 2 copies) and filled registration form by regular mail or e-mail to the Organising Committee, the deadline is the 15 of March, 2001.

    Registration form

    The electronic copies of the registration form (standard MS-DOS format) and abstracts (LaTeX) should be presented on the disk. It is possible but undesirable to use MS-Word format.

    Participants are allowed to present all the materials by e-mail: ,


    185910, Republic of Karelia,
    Petrosavodsk, Pushkinskaya 11,
    Institute of Applied Mathematical
    Research of KRC RAS
    fax: (8-142) 76-63-13
    head's phone: (814-2) 78-11-08
    e-mail: ,