
Scientific publications

А.В. Иванов.
О соотношении классов компактов Федорчука и Розенталя
A.V. Ivanov. On the relation between the classes of Fedorchuk and Rosenthal compacta // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 7. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2020. P. 62–66
Keywords: fully closed mapping; Fedorchuk compactum; Rosenthal compactum; LUR-norm
The question of the relationship between the classes of Fedorchuk and Rosenthal compact spaces was first raised in 1992 by Watson. An example of a Rosenthal compact, which is not a Fedorchuk compact of countable spectral height, is the well-known Helly compact. It is shown here that there exist numerous examples of Fedorchuk compacta of spectral height 3 (among which there are perfectly normal compacta) that are not Rosenthal.
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Last modified: July 1, 2020