
Scientific publications

Н.A. Мамадалиев, Х.Я. Мустапокулов, М.М. Абдуманнопов.
Дифференциальные игры преследования нейтрального типа с интегральными ограничениями на управления игроков
Mamadaliyev, N., Mustapokulovpov, H., Abdumannopov, M. Differential pursuit games of neutral type with integral restrictions on player controls Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 16. No 4, 2024. Pp. 45-68
Keywords: differential games, the pursuit problem, differential-difference equations of neutral type, pursuer, evader, controls
In this paper, we study linear differential games described by a system of linear differential-difference equations of neutral type under integral constraints on the controls of the players. We obtain new sufficient conditions on parameters of the process guaranteeing finishing the game in a definite finite time.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol16_4_45_mamadaliev.pdf (369 Kb, total downloads: 1)

Last modified: December 20, 2024